Time Management Strategies
One of the articles I read was 11 Ways Unsuccessful People Mismanage Their Time by Aine Cain. The biggest advice that I took from the website was that I need to utilize my weekends. I typically am lazy on the weekends and do not do much because I think of it as a rest time, but if I just do a few things on the weekends it will lessen my workload over the next week. The other article I read was 3 Steps to Recapture Time by Joynicole Martinez. The best advice from this article was how to say no. I have always had issues with telling my friends no when they want to do something so I definitely needed to hear this. I think the biggest challenge for me this semester is going to be finding a balance for all of my classes because I am taking Biology, Spanish 5, and Abnormal Psychology along with this class and a couple others. My best time management strategy is that I write EVERYTHING down in my planner. Each thing is color coordinated too so I know exactly what I need to do for each class.
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