Initial Feedback Thoughts

 I really appreciate this assignment. I have absolutely struggled with feedback my whole life, positive or negative. The first article that I read was Silence the critical voices in your head. Hearing how a very successful business man has also struggled with this has really helped me. I take negative feedback to heart, even if it is said with the best intentions. My parents have always pushed me way too hard with school and I think that it has honestly caused me to struggle with feedback from others. I have made myself into a perfectionist which is horrible because when I am not perfect it really hurts me. The second article I read was Why it's so hard to hear negative feedback. I really liked the part when it called this a vicious circle of delivering bad negative feedback and receiving bad negative feedback. I honestly thought the author was crazy at first when he said we should crave the negative feedback from others, but after reading through the article I couldn't agree more. 

Photo by Pixy quoting Thomas Edison 


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