Week 6 StoryLab
I decided to watch the Crash Course Myth Videos since this is my first ever mythology course. One thing that really stuck out to me was when the video said that "myths can be read and understood in different ways". This is why we hear so many versions of the same story. This makes me think of the game telephone. The more people you have playing the game, the more likely that the message will be messed up. This explains how over hundreds of years we have various myths being told that originated from the same one. What makes a myth different than just a story is the significance and staying power. Another big thing I took away from these videos were that just because something is labeled as a myth, does not mean that it is untrue.
I was actually fascinated with the Persephone Myth which explains why we have seasons because I had never heard it before. I also liked how the video talked about how intertwined religion and mythology are. When I was younger I had many issues distinguishing what was fact and fiction when it came to how the world was created. I believed in the Gods, but then I also believed in my God from my church. This can be very confusing to young people to try and navigate.
As a person who is majoring in the field of science, ultimately it is hard for me to contemplate all of these theories of mythology; simply because they are theories. I like facts, but then again even science clashes with my religious timeline. The simple fact is that we do not have all of the answers no matter how much we dig up and how close to the truth that we get. I really did enjoy watching these videos though and they really made me think about mythology on another level!
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